What are Nootropics: The word ‘Nootropic’ has its origin in the Greek language – nous meaning mind and trope meaning to bend or turn. Nootropics are substances that can improve the brain’s cognitive skills in a short span of time. Through Nootropics you can achieve an increase in verbal fluency, rid yourself of social anxiety or the fear of public speaking, see patterns in a jumbled mess of data, improve numerical proficiency, increase your capacity to recall a name or face, improve overall focus and mental ability to handle a huge workload without getting fatigued, elevate your speed of processing, reduce reaction time, and the list goes on. Studies have even shown that Nootropics can improve one’s motivation! The USP of Nootropics is that it can be stacked to not only target several mental states at a time, but can also be customised to get granular to the extent of targeting a particular area of mental ability or behaviour. For eg. if someone wants to just remove social anxiety or fear of public speaking then
Our brain function and state of mind depends on the performance of the signalling molecules of the brain called neurotransmitters, also known as messengers of the brain. Nootropics cross the blood brain barrier and interact with these neurotransmitters, which then travel to neurons, and communicate whether to be excited, calm, active, joyful, content, inhibited, sad, euphoric and so on. Nootropics allow us to boost and regulate these neurotransmitters.
Some neurotransmitters inform the neurons to focus on numerical ability, while others communicate anxiety, stimulation and excitement and so on and so forth. Whatever be the state of mind, it is a function of the neurotransmitters firing or not firing. However, with the state of art Nootropics stacking formulations, we can design/customise the outcome we want. Nootropics also work on neurotransmitter receptors and prime them to be optimised for receiving proper messaging, which then translates to a better all-round response.
Today Nootropics are used by athletes, executives working in high stress jobs, students, pilots, special forces etc to optimise their neurotransmitters for superlative performance in different fields. Nootropics aren’t a new discovery – they have been in use for thousands of years as standalone supplements addressing a particular neural pathway. But new age science and the art of stacking various nootropics to address multiple mental states at a time has taken the Nootropics world to the next level!
Our brain needs to behave like a symphony with synergistic play between all the players in order to produce the desired music and not just sound. The main players in this symphony are Serotonin, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, GABA, Endorphins, Acetylcholine and Glutamate.
The happy neurotransmitter that gives you the feeling of contentment, makes you easy going, mentally flexible, promotes confidence, love, happiness and a sense of well-being.
Stimulatory neurotransmitters that bind to receptors when stimulation is required.
Also called an inhibitory neurotransmitter. While the previous are excitors, GABA instructs the brain to calm down and to not to be wired 24*7. In other words, GABA applies brakes when there is an indication of the brain getting overworked. It brings an anxiolytic effect on the brain.
Focus, Memory, Cognition, understanding patterns etc is all a function of Acetylcholine.
Made of Dopamine, Epinephrine & Norepinephrine, these are neurotransmitters which make us upbeat, ambitious, motivated, alert, go getters, keep us on our toes and on the move, etc.
These neurotransmitters mask pain by reducing pain perception and also give that sense of euphoria.
What is meant by Stacking of Nootropics:
Are Nootropics safe:
Should Nootropics be cycled for maintaining the efficacy in the brain: