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Anti-ageing diet to increase the life span as well as health span.

In the world of business there is an accounting term called going concern. It means that the company has adequate resources to continue its operations indefinitely until it provides evidence to the contrary.

If we extrapolate the same definition to ourselves, then we can probably call it as a Going Life concern, until we  start deviating regularly from the inputs that would have made it a  Going life.

I’m sure there is no one on this planet who doesn’t want to live longer, survive, thrive & flourish.  This is the basic genetic coding in every species since life started on this planet. Right from a single cell Amoeba to a roadside shrub to us humans, the basic genetic coding is how not to die.  This coding can never be edited.  So if this is the un-editable coding in our genetic structure then why are we ageing faster than our calendar age, why are  we suffering with metabolic syndromes, why is old age so torturous & ridden with all age related maladies.

So the next question would be how old does one want to get & generally the answer we get is based on the stats of average life span that we are so accustomed to listening/reading or we say I don’t want live to be in my ripe old age, because we have seen the sub optimal life that most old people live.

But what if there was a way to live well beyond these preconceived notions about life span and that too without any age related diseases & the brain as sharp as you remember it to be. The Longevity experts say that ageing is not normal process, it is a disease & it is the ageing disease which attracts other diseases like arthritis, high BP, Diabetes, Dementia, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer, Cancer etc. This is not to say that we can be immortal but certainly we can live way beyond the average life span by ensuring a few things to make it a going life. Along with an increase in the lifespan, we need to improve our health span too

The longevity experts define the disease of ageing as loss of function/information. It simply means that the things that used to work earlier, doesn’t work so well now. So what are those things that don’t work well as we age- energy, balance, immunity, memory, strength, skin quality, body’s ability to heal & repair etc.

Since we are discussing longevity in relation with food, we will focus on that. So the next question would be what are those major things that come along with out food that results in our ageing faster & stops us from becoming  a going life human.

They are

  • Toxins– in our food in the form of heavy metals, chemicals, &  mould due to rampant use of pesticides, fertilizers & chemicals used ripen the produce is resulting a lot of toxicity in our body creating myriad of health issues. A solution to this would be to have more & more organically grown food. If access to organic food is an issue then we should ensure that we buy fresher produce & wash it thoroughly with clean water to remove the chemicals & pesticides.
  • Inflammation – in the body is created by our diet with sugars, processed foods, grain dominance, junk food, refined seed oils like cannola, cotton seed, sunflower oil, rice bran constantly snacking resulting in insulin resistance, high consumption of fructose, alcohol etc. Inflammation is body’s natural defence or reaction towards anything unwanted in the body. But the problem comes when we start to develop chronic inflammation on account of the above triggers. Inflammation when chronic  creates a platform for diseases because it disrupts the communication inside. The cells do not receive timely inputs  for the functions that they are supposed to be doing. This results in an ideal setting for attracting a host of illnesses right from obesity to heart disease, to fatty liver, diabetes, cancer, dementia etc. If there were a few critical things to be stopped then it  would be vegetable seed oils, constant snacking, processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, carb dominant diet.
  • Deficiency– is created when we eat foods low in essential fatty acids, amino acids, cholesterol, minerals & vitamins. Essential Fatty acids & essential Amino acids are essential for survival & in the absence of which we would not be able to live. In the same way the trace minerals & vitamins are essential co factors for a number of chemical processes in the body including DNA repair. When we follow fad diets which are nutritionally hollow, our body has faced the threat of nutritional deficiency. Overcooking and constant heating of the green vegetables can also kill the micro nutrients in them.

Now that we have understood the basics of what is ageing, why we age faster, and what are the variables that result in fast ageing, we now discuss two most crucial factors- 1.) What do we eat & 2 ) Why  periods of abstaining from food are crucial to live longer, healthier & keep us going.

  1. What should we eat –
  • Ensure to have a good amount of dietary fat from ghee, butter, coconut oil, coconut meat, eggs, Meats, nuts like Walnuts, Pecans, Brasil nuts, Macademia, Almonds etc
  • Proteins in your diet from Meat, Fish, Eggs, Cottage cheese, raw dairy.
  • Cook your food in Ghee, Coconut oil, Home made butter, Meat fat, cold-pressed & unrefined mustard/Sesame oil ( not a big fan but a better option than other seed oils & refined oils)
  • Limit your meal frequency to not more than 3 in a day.
  • Bring in a mindset change that its not about taste alone, there is a higher calling in the body which goes beyond taste.
  • Keeping the above in mind plan your percentage of calories from macros in a ratio of 40% fats :40% proteins :20% carbs. Once you get accustomed to this ratio, you can further fine tune it to 50:40:10 to get even more benefits.
  1. Periods of fasting –
  • Equally important if not more than nutritious food is the protocol of fasting.
  • We define fasting by periods without food & drinks which can spike blood sugar for a duration ranging from 18 hrs to 72 hrs, depending on how well your body is adapted to burning fat.
  • Fasting for more than 18 hrs results in a process called Autophagy in our body by which our body starts weeding out the old, weak & not functional cells to be replaced by new cells.
  • Diseases like cancer Alzheimer, Dementia etc develop when the body has lost this ability of carrying out Autophagy at regular intervals.
  • Autophagy is performed best during periods of fasting with low levels of insulin in the body.
  • If you are new to fasting then start with IF with 14 hrs then 16 hrs, then after a couple of weeks move to 18 hrs IF & then later start  throwing a 24 hr once or  a couple of times in a month.
  • This is anti ageing which is most practical and time tested where you are not only healing but also reversing the biological clock.

As we speed further into the 21st century with a rapid progress in cutting-edge information and technologies, it is also important that we pause, remember and adopt the primal blueprint of life that our ancestors lived by, which kept them alive and healthy for centuries on end.

It is never too late – start your fitness journey now!

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